The Value of Membership

TCATA’s mission is to represent the allied trades in the textile care industry – manufacturers and distributors of laundry and drycleaning equipment and supplies as well as other companies related to the industry. When legislation or regulation that is harmful to your business interests passes, people often wonder why someone “didn’t do something” – well, TCATA is that “someone,” constantly vigilant on behalf of your business interests. A quick review of all these TCATA services, along with their average market value, will give you an idea of the tremendous return on investment that your membership will provide, returning services to you worth many times the cost of your dues. TCATA dues are indeed an investment in the future of your business. Click here to see what our members have to say.

Click here to see what our members have to say.

See what the real value is of your membership.

Advocacy – representing the interests of the allied trades in state, local and federal legislative and regulatory matters that affect or could affect members’ business (average value $3,000)

TIDINGS Newsletter the monthly newsletter keeps members informed about relevant news in and affecting the industry, such as legislative/ regulatory developments, benefits and services, etc. (average market value $400)

Clean Show Booth Discounts If you exhibit at the biennial Clean Show, you will save anywhere from $500 to $30,000, depending on the size of your booth (average value - $3,000)

Annual Management & Educational Conference – The annual meeting offers top rated business speakers offering practical information on improving your business (the networking opportunities are, well, priceless)

College Scholarship Funds –Employees and their children are eligible (for recipients – an $8,000 value)

Seminars and Webinars – Sales, profit planning, customer service and a variety of other topics are covered in these presentations (average value $1,000)

Service First Processing (average savings - 15%) As a TCATA member, your company can get an annual rebate on credit card processing fees as well as enhanced reporting, loaner equipment, and a dedicated member help line. Call 855-632-9862 or click TCATA Member Program to learn more about this exclusive member benefit.

Articles on Business Issues – TCATA provides articles from some of the top speakers and business thinkers (average value - $300)

University of Innovative Distribution a concentrated educational program focused on the unique needs of the industrial wholesale distribution and manufacturing industry. Known worldwide for excellence in education, UID is sponsored by the leading industrial professional associations, in cooperation with the Industrial Distribution Program of Purdue University.  (member savings of 50% off tuition)

Codes and Standards – Through its work on the American National Standards Institute, the National Fire Protection Association and the International Code Council, TCATA represents the interests of industry when codes and standards are developed (average value - $2,000)

Legal Advisories – Distributors can access expert analysis of important court rulings and other legal issues (average value $300)

14039 Independence Hwy. E Suite A6 #232 | Indian Trail, NC 28079 | 813-348-0075
2025 Textile Care Allied Trades Association. All rights reserved.