TCATA Travels

(May, 2024) TCATA’s Executive Director Luci Ward recently traveled to the Panama City area of Florida to visit with TCATA members B&C Technologies and Jensen USA. These visits underscored the importance of fostering strong relationships and staying abreast of advancements in technology and processes.

B&C Technologies is known for its state-of-the-art laundry equipment. During her visit, Luci had the opportunity to attend the launch of B&C’s new washer line and tour their facility, observing firsthand the craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology that go into their products.

Jensen USA is a leader in the industrial laundry equipment sector. Luci’s tour of their facility highlighted Jensen’s dedication to automation and advanced laundry solutions. Ward noted the remarkable integration of automation in Jensen’s operations, which not only boosts productivity but also ensures high-quality output.

The visits to B&C Technologies and Jensen USA were an opportunity to engage with the people who drive innovation in our industry. These interactions are crucial as they help TCATA stay informed about the latest trends and challenges, ensuring that we can better serve our members.

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